Take the
Next Step!
12-20 July 2021
Youth Exchange
"You don't have to take all the steps. Just the next one"
Martin Luther King Jr.
Let’s go out and play?
Sometimes taking the first step is the hardest.
It feels stiff, awkward, and oh so demanding.
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 and GO!
Often all it takes is physical movement, and then you already see yourself driving through the rollercoaster of life.
Our aim is to combine two important elements - nature and movement - to create a space where you can create, play, learn and inspire each other.

The question is not
IF you can do it...
but HOW you will do it?
Next Step! is all about discovering the potential of your creativity and self-confidence by exploring, through body and mind, different learning approaches and new perspectives of outdoor education.

1 Group leader (5 countries)
1 Participant (5 countries)
20-22 May, 2021
1 Group leader (5 countries)
4 Participants (5 countries)
Latvia, Riga
12-20 July 2021
Participants, group leaders and organisations
Local community
Aug-Dec 2021